Friday, April 08, 2022

Richland Northeast High School seeks a FT Latin teacher

Richland Northeast High School, in Richland School District Two, is an urban school in Columbia, South Carolina. Since 2012-2013 RNE has been an International Baccalaureate School. 

A candidate for this position will teach all levels of Latin. Latin I is offered to all students as is Latin II. A portion of the Latin II students will be freshmen who have matriculated up from the magnet program (The Learning Collaborative) at Dent Middle School. All students who earn a B or higher in Latin II are able to enter Latin III Honors. 

The Latin curriculum is part of the IB program with juniors and seniors taking the two year Diploma Level Latin course. Students have the option to complete this two year course as part of the Diploma Program, or on its own to earn an IB Certificate. 

For a text-book RNE uses the Cambridge Latin Course. Also RNE is cutting edge in the use of technology. Each class room has a Clear Touch computer and each teacher a Dell laptop.


Richland School District Two’s salary scale is one of the highest in the state and there is the option to pay into the South Carolina State Pension.  Finally, the state health plan into which each teacher can enroll is comprehensive while offering different levels of coverage. 


To apply, visit the district's application page

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